This morning I saw a quote from a prochoicer that stated 'abortion is a sign of failure'. That person is absolutely correct. But who's failure is it? With me, it was my failure as a 17 year old to not stand my ground with my mother. It was also my mother's failure as a parent and grandparent trying wipe her hands of the financial responsibility of her grandchild. It was the failure of the Church to say nothing about abortion, it's silence deafening. It was the failure of a nation that allowed Roe to be law. It was the failure of the Supreme Court to side with Sarah Weddington who seems to know what's best about unplanned and/or unwanted pregnancy.

Yes, abortion is a dismal failure. And we see it everyday on the faces of women and girls who think abortion is their only option. Experts in addiction say that there is a 'rock bottom' that addicts have to get to in order to get clean, to survive. I do not agree, and I've been on the other side of addiction. On this side, you see misery and hatred and emptiness and just one step from death. Then, are we to just wait until death is imminent or intervene with love and Jesus NOW?
Then, shouldn't we acknowledge that abortion is rock bottom and that an intervention could have saved BOTH the mother and the child's life? Jesus is always the answer to every question. But they need ears to hear:
"How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" [
Rom 10:14].
In ministry, everyday is an adventure, everyday is an opportunity. Probably the most prayed prayer for me is asking God to send us someone to witness to, someone who needs a word from the Lord, someone who needs to hear that she's important to God.
But every once in a great while, a proabort pundit will show up on the sidewalk. They think abortion is the answer to every question. They scream at women entering that chop shop with pathetic 'I support your choice' rhetoric. Does the proabort pundit know that most women don't make this choice for herself? Does she know the order of command that forced her there that day? I wonder if this proabort pundit thought that her words would get her the high five she wanted. I'd say NO. Rather, she gets stunned looks of grief because of her failure who believes the only answer is to kill the unborn life within her.
This whole Planned Parenthood issue has brought out the demons that surround the Pink Palace of death. Every blog I read or comments on news stories are laced with filthy obscenities and lies. I expect this to happen on the sidewalk but when I'm out shopping while wearing a prolife tshirt OR proabort drivers hating my life and God affirming stickers on my car? How dare I save lives and show the love of Jesus!
The Word says: "For your sake, we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter," [
Rom 8:36]
Take a breath, take one for the team, show the love of Jesus.
Dear Proabort Pundit - This is a public sidewalk. You may come here just like we can! ABSOLUTELY! But I challenge you with this: Offer real help and hope to pre-abortive women and post-abortive women because your usual I SUPPORT YOUR CHOICE vomit will not pay her rent, will pay for groceries, will not get her a ride to work, and will not help her support system. Abortion won't pay her bills, so will you step up and help her when she finds out you're a LIAR? Abortion kills unborn children. Never has abortion paid one bill. Never has abortion made her more powerful. Never has abortion been there in the middle of the night when she cries. Never.
Proabort Pundit, sing your song somewhere else while us grownups are sharing the love of Jesus with the lost and dying. Women come to this facility over her own failure. Their lives depend on a living Gospel, not proabort rhetoric.
Just ask the woman at the well [
John 4:4-29], the woman caught in adultery [
John 8:3-11] and the woman with the issue of blood [
Luke 8:43-48].