Saturday, March 28, 2015

#TOLERATION BYTES: Bringing True American Freedom Back to #Indiana

Dear Governor Mike Pence: THANK YOU! You have done more of what you promised than most other lawmakers in these United States ever attempt. No empty promises, no closed doors. And even though the usual suspects hate you and your pro-American agenda, WE APPLAUD YOU!
You have said a resounding NO to protecting certain social classes knowing that every American is protected equally under the current Federal law. You are keenly aware, as all lawmakers should be, of our fought for Constitution and its actual contents. Considering recent events, I have to wonder if anyone who believes themselves above the law has actual read what thousands of our forefathers died for. Certainly the Supreme Court and the current administration has decided themselves to be as God rather than the public servants they were elected for or appointed to be.
As your neighbor, we see what true prolife leadership can do to protect the absolute least of these. Thank you Governor Pence for doing what you can under the unconstitutional federal law of Roe v. Wade. It is clear that you value life more than the average Governor. As your neighbor, we see real trailblazing in the state to our West. Our own Governor promises to protect life and succumbs to 'business as usual' to protect his own personal agenda; he's already been politely and openly saying he will not sign the Heartbeat Bill into law if it has the chance to cross his desk.
Nationally, I am so proud of your stance against an agenda meant to force our businesses, family, schools and private lives into a bed of vipers. As pilgrims who escaped tyranny, our beloved United States of American has turned into exactly what we escaped hundreds of years ago. Every drop of blood spilled on every battle field, every life lost to protect our personal freedoms means nothing to those who believe themselves more evolved than true blue Bible believing Americans. Their personal evolution is jammed down the throat of every person living and breathing FREEDOM already fought for.
Governor Pence, there is nothing more detestable than the unthankfulness of one who spits on our Constitutional rights as free PRIVATE Americans to do business as we see fit, worship as we are led to, teach our own children, support our troops, own/operate/carry firearms, support unborn and born life, and to fly Old Glory over every bit of it.
As your neighbor, we thank you and we support you, especially through the NCAA-made debacle and their one-sided, lopsided, far-reaching attempt to shame you and your glorious state of Indiana. And as a Christian, we humbly accept our friends but do not hate them. After all, most of us were the 'least of these' before coming to Christ. The opposing agendas hate Christians, Christianity and Jesus Christ because they hate us. The LGBT has essentially made it their priority to shame Christians first then legislate their way to fully taking our rights AS Christians away. This is truly troubling to Christians and the Church who love, and do not hate, the sinner.
In closing, our agenda is laid clear: we are committed to support all life - born, unborn, regardless of their stage of life or waywardness - and defend each and every one. All that we ask is that they do not impede on our protected  Constitutional rights as American citizens, Hoosiers, Buckeyes, and the like.

In His Service,
Reverend Katherine Marple

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