Monday, April 20, 2015

The Parent Ship in the Storm When LIFE Happens

As a Christian and a parent, I have learned to trust God with the big stuff, and not so big stuff. I don't nag, but I will answer a question as I feel God would want me to and back it up with love and kindness. My opinion may not be popular, but then again, I am their parent first.

I'm a results person. In other words, we are HERE now [like those maps in amusement parks say] and after going through getting HERE, only results matter. The way HERE was tumultuous and contrary to my better judgement for them, made me lose sleep, prayed and prayed - and I'm sure that the way HERE made me a special kind of insane. So the fact that I'll have a Godly answer is kind of impressive, especially since I feel like I've aged about 100 years over it.

Complaining now is not only counterproductive, but makes the situation take two steps back when we need a miracle; and miracles only go forward.

Having adult kids is HARD. Did I say it was HARD?? After taking one of my adult kids to the doctor recently, I got this revelation that I'm just his ride there. In other words, the doctor has no legal reason to tell me anything about his appointment. I just sat there quite befuddled and a little hurt. The kids are adults, have children of their own. What's a mom of adults kids to do in these situations? I'll let you know when I find out ;)

God has made a way with us to take care of our adult kids for prolonged periods of time to nurture, mend, love, and just plain help when life gets really HARD. A recent article said that 1 in 6 adults have moved back 'home'. I think it's much more than that. This world had made it very hard for kids to be on their own today. Rent is astronomical, pay is getting lower and lower, student debt is insane, good jobs are sparse, and if they are single parents, quadruple the least.

And even though God has made a way for us to be that blessing - the ship in the storm - it may not be so to kids who won't let us. We nearly bought a house to do this, just to be told no at the very last minute. Or they leave too early and unprepared and find themselves broke or homeless, or both AGAIN. They always need money yesterday, no one plans for anything, so when I'm left holding the bag I usually don't have much to work with. I have to start over for them, get back to the basics of life.

I just wish that they wouldn't let it get so bad that it gets this HARD.

Sometimes, that horse won't drink no matter how you try. So, what's a parent to do? TRUST GOD. KEEP TRUSTING GOD. DID I MENTION TO TRUST GOD?

Oh, and keep a light on. You never know when the phone or doorbell will ring.

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