Sunday, June 7, 2015

Even so, Joy Comes in the Mourning.

I went to an Infant Loss Memorial recently. It's for the loss of children through miscarriage, abortion, perinatal, SIDS, etc. It was a beautiful ceremony, Christ-centered, tactful, loving, and safe. It was a good place to mourn our children, to have fellowship with other moms, to tell stories, share testimonies, offer hope.

During the memorial, we were offered a candle to light for our children, to offer them to God if they had not yet done so. I remember thinking there isn't enough candles for my losses, my children. Yes, it's symbolic. Some people need that, the ceremony. And tragically, some parents have not 'offered' their child to the Lord. It's truly a process just for the parents because God has already accepted them. But we need to know He is with them, we need that comfort.

I was victimized by abortion and suffered miscarriages. Women told stories of their children and loss. It was wonderful to see married couples there because sometimes husbands don't want to face the loss or doesn't believe there really was a loss. To some, people just die. For others, there just isn't enough candles.
"For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him." ~ 1Thessalonians 4:14
While I have loss, and it was tragic, others walk a harder walk: "...while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us," [Rom 5:8]. Us...each and every one of US.

I thank God my hope is in Jesus, because sometimes...there just isn't enough candles.

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