Friday, April 24, 2015

Is Bullying the New Black?

Hate is a strong word, why are we forced to use it so much? We are so sanctimonious and smug as humans, constantly we drone on about me me me. Sometimes I think it's because we are tying to protect ourselves, other times it is to replenish what another has taken away so barbarically.

All this talk about bullying in the world today, is this the new 'hate' word?

Bullying has been around way longer than the agendas that rely on it today. It's not a victimless crime, it does not go without grief.

When I was a kid, I had the audacity to be too skinny, too tall, too pale, too brown headed which of course meant that I had to be the target of every bully at every school for any reason. Every day I dealt with it. I wasn't black/asian/hispanic, I wasn't gay...then how in the world could I have had the gall to be bullied when the protected classes weren't? Interesting. Every day I was called names. Every day I was told I was getting beaten up. Every day I walked home in total fear. Every day I wanted to die for the crime of being bullied. EVERY. DAY.

Hated. Plain and simple, I was hated for not being something else. And I had no special interest groups to protect me, I had no government offices or Senators willing to take my case to the Supreme Court; in fact the ACLU had absolutely no interest in my case. Why? Because of my so-called 'white privilege' which somehow miraculously gave me assumed protection that I never had. What a LIE. This is why I don't buy into protecting only certain kids from being bullied at schools; no one can hide. I've made that crystal clear. Schools today are training teachers and counselors to look past bullied kids like me and be like body armor to minority kids and gay kids.

So much for so-called 'white privilege'. Recently, most of the kids that have committed suicide for being bullied are average white kids. These days, I can't fathom how horrific it is with social media. Now everything is in real time, just a click away. Destroy someone's life...because you can.

The Bible says hate is akin to murder [1John 3:15]. In the hearts of bullies, I was murdered for the crime of being NOT them. When I was being bullied back then, I cried. Today, I PRAY. It's easy to hate back, but not wise or Godly. The hard thing to do is give them the other cheek [Matt 5:39].

Ultimately we all have to answer to God for what we have done or NOT done. Life is about pressing on, dying well, knowing eternity is really forever, and at least trying to make things better so others will try to love FIRST.

If you are being bullied, remember that GOD LOVE YOU! And tell someone! And if they don't do anything, TELL SOMEONE ELSE. And keep telling until it stops.

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