Friday, May 22, 2015

Deep in the Heart of Texas, Life still happens.

So much, not enough, out to lunch is what this week seems like. People grab at you, family spurns you, even the weather wouldn't cooperate. It's been gray and rainy the entire time. I know that I know THAT I KNOW to listen to God, and we should have waited a week.

But that's okay. The storm was going to be literally waiting for us. Every. Day.

It's a hard thing, being a parent to adult kids. If there is one thing I can tell you that has changed since I was young is this: RESPECT. No one, not one kid, has any respect for their parents and grandparents anymore. We've found out the hard way that money does not buy their respect, but they sure don't mind taking it - money AND respect....on their terms.

Where did we go wrong? I don't think WE did anything to deserve this. Adult kids and teen kids feel the freedom to tell us to go **** ourselves, tell us their lousy life is all our fault, while they are all stuck in a life they created for themselves that we cannot change for them. Sometimes I feel helpless, but not paralyzed, much to their chagrin.

I think we need to take a break from their assaults but my heart and God wants me to continue to reach out. And we will. Until our dying breath....whether they like it or not.

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