Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sometimes the phone doesn't ring...even on Mother's Day.

And that's okay. When adult kids become...adults...they do what they 'want', or in this case, NOT what I want.

And that's okay. Because they haven't learned that parents have an expiration date, adult kids don't have the ability to appreciate the time we have left, whatever that is.

And that's okay. As time goes on, I remind myself and other parents that respect should come with love but be aware that it may not. Yes, the kids love their parents but have little respect for our commitment to them even into their adult years.

And that's okay. Since we do not know what day will be our last, parents try to jostle the adult kid's memories of important dates to US, like birthdays and anniversaries so that we can pass that mantle onto them. After all, someone has to continue all of the traditions that even they have grown accustomed to. But they forgot, life got in the way; most of those traditions have gone to the wayside, long forgotten.

And that's okay. Do we have regret? No, disappointment maybe, but not regret. When we have these wonderfully squirmy smooshy cooing babies we don't think about how they will ignore us, or even worse, hate us when they become adults. Somehow, it's all our fault.

And that's okay. Because I know that for some unreasonable reason to me, God gave us children. GAVE. He trusted us, me, to raise a child He created. And all we have to do is love them, raise them in they way they should go, and believe God for even the littlest of things.

And through it all, I'm so thankful to God for the privilege of being the woman chosen to be the mother of these children. And, that's okay.

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