Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Prayer of the Sojourning Christian.

I cried, but no one heard.
I was hurt, but no one helped.
I fought alone to no avail,
I waited, but no one came.
I saw, but couldn't remember.
I heard, but couldn't discern.
I held out my hand, but it came back empty.
My heart hurt, and no one comforted me.
How can I love when I receive none,
Where is the delight in life?
Is it in the mirror looking back at me
Or is it in the eyes of another?
Lord! Come closer, be near me
Because my fight is harder than ever.
You are my only Joy, my Salvation
From a life of tears and remorse.
I have lost so much and gained little.
This world has spewed me out
But it won't let me go.
Let me go, world...I am not yours.
But I look up and see my Abundance
In a face I have not yet met.
His beauty is infinite, His love is unmatched.
Just a little while longer, He says, You are not done.
I hold my hands up to Him in Praise
and seek His warmth with sweet tears.
I am yours, I say, I am yours!
Touch me today, Lord...Touch me today!
I am a stranger, a sojourner in this world.
My woes are His, but the consequences are mine.
I look to Him, I Praise His name!
Until I cross that River, I will rest in Him!
©katherinemarple ©mylifeasachristian
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

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